
Table; Stood, sitting, tired, strong, powerful

Headphones; Sing, Tangled, loud, bold, wild

Book: Wise, Noble, Old, Mindful, Concentrated

Poem: The Walrus and the Carpenter: What is being personified? The moon and the sun Identify the words being used to personify? Sulkily, She, Him, Spoil, rude, business, Describe the personality? Rude (sun) Grumpy (moon)

Tree: The tree, old and graceful, stood firmly pressed to the ground, refusing to let the meaningless problems of her surroundings interrupt her thoughts.

Fog: The silent and graceful fog blanketed the field, coating it with it’s dark tendrils of mist.

Water: The water ripples as it playfully mocks the silent mountains.

Trees: The gathering of trees passed wisps of gossip between their bunches of leaves, sharing their knowledge.

House: The tired house crumbles slowly, groaning after bearing the weight of the world on it’s shoulders for far too long.

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